How to Build Brand Authenticity and Maintain a Strong Online Persona

For many service providers, your social media presence can make or break business. If you notice your social media metrics aren’t as good as they should be (or simply want to give them a boost) check the authenticity of your accounts! The more genuine your online persona, the more clients will trust in your services.

What Is an Online Persona for Business?

Your online persona is made up of the content you put into the world via the Internet… and how you communicate it. 

For example, if you specialize in building funnels for small businesses, you likely post a lot about marketing strategies that lead clients to enticing landing pages. But business owners won’t buy into your services if you present your ideas like a piece of plain toast.

Spice it up! Your social media presence should be as colorful, organized, and authentic as the services you intend to provide. This means injecting a ton of personality into your content.

Some brands want their online persona to be light and joyful… others prefer one that’s more serious or technical. Whatever you choose, create a social media presence that makes sense for you.

Why Is an Authentic Online Persona Important? 

Authenticity is what makes a person or business trustworthy. Without it, your potential clients will turn their heads towards someone more relatable and assured. 

Let’s take a closer look at three reasons an authentic online persona is necessary for your business success.

It Inspires Brand Loyalty 

Most clients (in any business niche) will gravitate towards brands that reflect their own personal morals and characteristics. They are likely to keep coming back to use your brand when it feels like home to them—someplace they fit in.

On the flip side, if your online persona doesn’t resemble the type of clients you hope to attract, you’re likely to have to turn away business for lack of a good fit.

Take the time to master your branding voice online so the right kinds of people notice and respond to your content many times over.

You’ll Create a Great First Impression on New Clients

A more natural voice is easier to internalize for clients floating the web. Picture your ideal clients clicking through social media and stumbling across your account. Would your content immediately capture them, resonate, or make them think twice about their current business systems?

The purpose of an authentic online persona is to catch your potential clients (whether they expect it or not) presenting them with exactly what they need (whether they know it or not). A second glance is never guaranteed, so nailing your first impression is key.

Clients Want to Work With Authentic Companies

This is the bottom line: clients from every corner of the market like working with “the real deal.” They don’t want to roll the dice on someone with an ingenuine online persona or unestablished brand.

By creating an authentic social media presence, you jump to the top of the list of service providers in your area of expertise. 

Clients are more likely to take a chance on you because they crave genuine, honest interactions in their daily lives. If you fit the bill, you get the business!

How to Maintain an Authentic Online Persona for Your Business

It’s one thing to nail an authentic post once in a while and another thing entirely to make authenticity part of your brand. These strategies will help you manage a consistently authentic online persona for long-term success.

Maintain Consistency Across Platforms 

There’s nothing more suspicious than a brand that appears one way on Facebook (let’s say fun and funky) and another way on LinkedIn (perhaps over-the-top professional and rigid). You’ll leave clients wondering about which is the real you.

Take the time to click through all of your online accounts to ensure it all reads the way you want it to—in the same, authentic voice. Consistency is key!

Utilize Storytelling 

A true narrative has more power to attract business than anything else on the world wide web! Even if it comes unnaturally to you at first, improving your storytelling skills will seriously help your online persona.

You can kick off your personal stories of victory and defeat (those that help support your brand) any number of ways:

  • As a student, I struggled to… but now I thrive because of…
  • I once met an entrepreneur who lacked… but has come full circle because of…
  • When I first started… I had an extremely hard time! Now I… and you can, too.

Practice the fine details and personal touches that make each story real and relatable to your ideal clients. They don’t have to be terribly long, as long as they’re informative, well-written, and cohesive with your brand.

Keep Communication Clear and Open with Your Clients

No matter how good your marketing is, it means nothing if your clients can’t get in touch with you. The inability to get in contact with you is an early red flag for service buyers. 

There are systems you can put in place to help establish good communication with your clients early on. For example, set up automated voice messaging and email messaging to ensure buyers that their inquiries will be dealt with as soon as possible.

Of course, automation puts buyers at ease—knowing they called the right number or emailed the correct address. But you must follow up in-person within 24 hours in order to maintain their trust and authenticity. 

Bring Your Online Persona to Your Content

Your message should synchronize with your personality and branding. This isn’t as easy as it sounds! You must make a concerted effort to transform each piece of your content into your own and speak about things in your own voice.

If you’re a content manager for multiple entrepreneurs, you’re pulling double duty! You need to express the voice of your clients for their business pages and insert some of your own unique flair. 

It helps to set up a menu of branded phrases or rules. The more you practice showcasing your online persona, the more easily it will shine through in your content.

Related: How To Create An Epic Content Plan For Next Year To Achieve Your Big Goals

Match Your Actions to Your Online Persona

If you’re a happy-go-lucky person who likes to joke around and make light of heavy issues, your potential clients might be turned off or confused by an overly technical or serious online persona. It just won’t make sense!

Even if your tone doesn’t match most others in your industry, that’s what makes you unique and desirable. Heck—your personality is the very essence of your brand. Let it shine!

Of course, not every client on the market is going to be drawn to your individual voice. Remember, that’s okay. You want your online persona to reflect the real you (and your real business) so the right buyers can find you.

Use these tips to build brand authenticity and a well-suited online persona now! Continue analyzing your social media metrics to see big results in the long run. 

Be sure to follow along on Instagram for tips, resources, and insights into all things metrics and business data. 

Start developing your online persona and connecting with your ideal customers by reading these related posts!