Maximizing ChatGPT Potential: A Guide to Asking the Right Questions

You might be familiar with the magic of AI in automating tasks and maybe even writing some generic content. However, if ChatGPT isn’t completely and totally blowing your mind right now, we’re here to invite you to think about it and interact with it differently.

Because once you do? We’re pretty certain you’ll be sitting at your desk with your mouth falling open, squealing over what it can do (yes, that’s been us at our desks lately and yes, our families are worried 😂).

We’ve heard things like, “It’s cool, but I don’t get what the big deal is, the content it gave me wasn’t very impressive.” or “I played with it a little but I don’t think it can do what I need”.
We’re here to help you change that.

When it comes to using tools like ChatGPT, the real magic happens when you ask the right questions.

Here’s the deal: if you put crummy input in, you’re gonna get crummy output. Think of it like this: if you eat McDonald’s for three weeks straight before you run a marathon you’re probably not setting a personal record even if you have the physical capabilities to do so.

However, if you take the time to learn how to craft the perfect question, ChatGPT will be your go-to for all your business needs.

Fun fact, this is called prompt engineering, which is basically just figuring out how to ask the right question in a way that ChatGPT can understand and give you the best output.

When it comes to Chat-based AI, the quality of the question you ask directly impacts the quality of the output you receive. And of course, that directly impacts how useful this tool can be in your business (hint: it can change your business and will change our industry).

In this post, we will walk you through a few examples (including some sneak peeks into how we even used chat GPT to put this blog post together.

Asking Chat GPT to help me write the headline for this section Get Inside the Heads of Your Customers: Using ChatGPT to Create a Sample Customer Avatar



Get Inside the Heads of Your Customers: Using ChatGPT to Create a Sample Customer Avatar

Let’s use Chat GPT to help us create a customer avatar for a pretend business.

Chat GPT Ask Better Questions - Mary Smith 1

What went wrong? We didn’t provide enough information in the question; it’s not framed well enough for the AI to understand that you are making this character/customer up. Some people would give up here. We are not those people. Let’s ask again and give the question a little more clarity.

Chat GPT Ask Better Questions - Mary Smith 2

This was much better! We made it clear it’s a fictional character and that we are asking the AI to co-create her with you (versus asking it to describe a real person whom it does not know).

But watch how much more useful it is when we give it even more context.

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Because we added some additional details to the question based on ideas we already had in mind, it allowed the AI to give a much more relevant and descriptive answer.

Once you get the answer you want, start to take it further by asking additional questions.

This is great for thinking about your ideal avatar, getting inside their head, and even writing content that specifically speaks to their needs.

Let’s learn more about what Mary might be struggling with.

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We can then go deeper into the topic areas that are relevant to your offer/offers.

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Then, we can use it to generate offer ideas, headlines, copy, etc.

Remember – context is key. Tell chat GPT what you do and why you are asking for the information.

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Remember, you can dig into each of these further. Ask it to write you an email promoting offer 1, or outlining the details of offer 2. Or you can refer back to earlier parts of the conversation and use all of this information you’ve co-developed to write specific copy. 



Asking The Right Questions: How to Reframe Your Request to ChatGPT

Check it out, this little exchange right here? It’s a prime example of how to get the most out of ChatGPT.

I gave some feedback on the initial response about summarizing a video and BAM! by asking the right questions, we were able to get on the same page and make it happen. This just goes to show how important it is to be specific, give clear feedback and ask the right questions when working with ChatGPT.

To give you a better idea of what we mean, let’s dive into an example of how to use this technique. Say you want ChatGPT to summarize a video, but you get a response like this one that it can’t actually watch the video.

No problem! By asking the right question back to Chat GPT, it can guide you to provide the necessary information for it to perform the task.

If Chat GPT tells you it can’t do something, or it seems to not fully understand what you are looking for, explain the OUTCOME you are looking for and ask it how you can use it to achieve that outcome.


Creating Unique and Authentic Voices: Using ChatGPT for Content Creation

In this final section, we’re going to show you how to use ChatGPT to write content in a specific person’s voice. This is especially helpful if you have a lot of content out on the internet already because you can just use your name. If you don’t have a lot of content out, you can also enter the question like this: “Using the voice from this text “[paste your example writing here]” write an introduction paragraph to a blog post on [topic]”

I want you to fully understand the difference this can make. Here is what happens if we just ask it to write the content:

Here is what it looks like if we ask it to use Lacey’s voice:

And just to show you how it differentiates, here is what it looks like if we ask it to use Russell Brunson’s voice:

Amazing, right?!

By providing specific examples and training data, you can teach ChatGPT to understand the nuances of a person’s writing and have it represented in the copy it writes for you.

Now, would you still likely edit that? Of course. For a variety of reasons, you’d still want to add your own voice and spin in more fully on most occasions. That doesn’t make the tool wrong or unhelpful. If it’s still doing 90% of the work for you, and you’re adding your 10%, that still changes so much in terms of your time, energy, and money input in your business.



Other Ways Chat GPT Helped Write This Post

Since many of the screenshots have a white background, I wanted a drop shadow on it to help them stand out on the page.

And originally, I was going to have the images in a table with the description to the right, so I first asked for quick table HTML. While I can write this myself from my old HTML days, I always get the TD/TR backward, and why waste the time?

We hope that you now have a better understanding of how to use ChatGPT by asking the right questions (prompt engineering) and providing clear feedback to get the most out of the tool.

The point here is that when you can ask the right questions, your business changes. The amount of time, energy, effort, and money that goes into (and comes out of) your business completely changes. That’s true with ChatGPT and that’s especially true with data.

The number one reason most business owners are struggling to get the results they want is because they aren’t asking the right questions and/or they don’t know how to get the right answers. That’s where we come in. We teach you how to ask the right questions with data, and

how to get those answers at the tip of your fingers every single day.
So if you want to make understanding your sales and marketing data as easy as Chat GPT is making the rest of your business, join us for helpful content just like this over in Measure & Maximize.